Things We Value
Telling you, the client, that Navilogue has 30 years of experience in marketing communications, public relations and association management doesn’t really say much about how we can help you grow your business. More to the point is how we’ve combined our strengths and talents with what we’ve learned during those years – what works and, often, what doesn’t – to provide you with the best possible help in communicating productively with your customers.
It’s a chuckle reminiscing about the tools of the trade in our early years – eagerly awaiting the postman to deliver the latest copy of the telephone book-thick SRDS (Standard Rate & Data Service) Direct Mail Directory and endlessly analyzing SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Codes and Claritas PRIZM clusters to better segment the market – do you remember “Blue-Blood Estates,” “Pools & Patios” and “Country Squires”?
Oldies but goodies, to be sure! The tools and sophistication of methodology have changed dramatically in recent years with the cavalcade of web-based and social networking channels. But the all-important goals – delivering a meaningful message that truly differentiates your product or service, and establishing a real dialogue with customers and stakeholders – haven’t changed at all. That’s really what it’s always been about, and still is.
Newport Clipper, St. Mary's City, MD
MV Monet, Hvar, Croatia
Here’s a few of the things we focus on to help a client achieve these goals:
We ask a lot of questions, borne from a sense of curiosity about not only how you perceive and position your own product or service, but also how the marketplace and your customers perceive it.
We bring clarity to what differentiates your product or service from the competition’s, and use this to address your customers’ desires and self-interest in choosing to spend their hard-earned discretionary dollars with you.
Our recommended communications – what we say and how we say it – treat your customer intelligently and with respect. They have many choices in making a purchase decision and most likely want to deal with an organization that informs and educates them, and makes them feel good about buying from it.
We help clients understand how customers think in the present. What are their immediate issues, concerns or desires that need to be addressed? The successful company realizes that communications is a two-way street – a dialogue – and that listening is half of the marketing process.
Language is vitally important, whether it’s used in the latest inbound marketing or traditional media campaign, and Navilogue can help you to improve your website, blog and other social networking tools – as well as direct mail, collaterals and press releases – to build credibility, deepen loyalty and enlighten your customers or prospects.